Claim Your Brand Name
This is a guide to securing your brand name for google email, social media, and your website.
In this guide you will:
- Create a Gmail account for your business
- Protect your Gmail account with an encrypted proton mail account.
- Purchase your domain name.
Ready to get your brand off the ground? Let’s get started.

Sign Up for a Gmail Account
Sign up for an email address with your business name from gmail/google.
The account is free and is a great way to begin establishing your brand identity.
Sign Up for an encrypted Proton email account
This is account is free and will rarely be used. You should use a password generator to create a long and complex password.
Add your proton account as your recovery email here:
Protect your accounts. Enable two-step authentication and set your social media accounts to this email address.
Sign Up for Your Social Media Accounts
Pro Tip: try to pick a name that is available on all platforms you want to use so your brand username is the same on all sites.
NameChk will search all the platforms for you.
Now that you have activated all the accounts you would like to use there is one thing left to do.